Glenbrook Players - A Cheery Soul

This Movie last screened at Glenbrook Cinema:
15 Nov 2024 to 23 Nov 2024

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Set in the time of Robert Menzies, Sunday roasts and Godly devotion, A Cheery Soul is Patrick White’s second play located in the fictional Western Sydney suburb of Sarsaparilla. Miss Docker is the eponymous cheery soul, who finds herself homeless after being asked to move out of her niece’s home. Mr & Mrs Custance invite this ‘soul of goodness’ into their home only to discover that they have invited chaos into their tidy lives. She always loudly speaks the truth, just far too much of it. Her next move is to the Sundown Home for Old People where Miss Docker brings her special gifts to upend the life of the residents and staff while focussing her spiritual insights on Reverend Wakeman. A Cheery Soul is described as a surreal satirical masterpiece, blending high camp with grounded emotional truth. A not to be missed production, kicking off Glenbrook Players 50th Anniversary Celebrations!