Redeeming Gift Cards
Gift Cards
Reservation can be made using your Gift Card or e-Gift Card either online, or in person at the cinema.
Redeem Gift Cards Online
Book your tickets using our online booking service.
Go to the Sessions page and click "Book Now" to book online, select the session and seats, and proceed to Check Out.
Enter your Gift Card number and PIN at the top of the Check Out page - before clicking the "Pay" button.
Click Apply - the value of the purchase (or the value remaining on the card if less than the purchase amount) will be applied.
When successful you will receive:
Your Booking Reference Number - displayed on the confirmation screen.
- Your ticket will be sent via Email.
- Your email should include a Barcode which can be scanned at the door.
- Simply present your Barcode Ticket at the door for entry. There is no need to line up at the counter to collect your tickets.
Redeem Gift Cards in person
Simply present your gift card at the cinema, as payment for your ticket and/or candy bar items.